Elizabeth Ross
An artist, art projects manager, socio-cultural agent, curator, and journalist with an international presence. She has pioneered sociocultural processes involving art, research, journalism and community development, persistently searching the intersection between art, environment, memory, feminism, politics and society, aiming to empower people. She founded and presently directs two non-profit organizations that link art and different communities, be this in México with 5célula or in Europe with and 3Multiverse. Since 2003 she prefers to show and make art in the public realm and create projects that highlight art made by women all over the world. She’s a member of the SNCA, Art Creators National System
Image title
Walking the Jianghu
(self portrait as an outsider) medium (photography & digital print, video, netart, soundart, textual statement) size – variable (60×63 prefered) year – 2013-2015 duration (video) URL for download work description (no more than 300 words in English)
The/my self as a traveler in a world with no laws but the inner honor and heart
Video title
Biography, 2013, 6’28
This is my biography viewed as a life of learning through others’ eyes. We can’t deny the influence of those who preceded us, they have offered lines of thought from where to weave our own personal approach to life. Accepting them is accepting me. My fire is born from their fire.