Joke Offringa & Maria Jeronimus
We are an Dutch artistic duo for over ten years with a special focus in the field of film. We won with our short audio-visual art expressions, various awards. Our film “Uxe” was rated with three stars at the ‘Britisch International Amateur Film Festival’. Our portret ‘Forbidden Love’ was the audience award winner at the ‘Bicycle Film Festival 2015’. This summer we also made a short art-film for the ‘International Four day March Festival Nijmegen’ commissioned by Dziga.
Our art is embarking on the border of your comfort zone and mirrors your own discomfort. Your paradigm determines how you experience the artwork. When will your own interpretation discomfort you? Can you trust your own perception and do you have the courage to see beyond the prevailing conventions?
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Foto bewerkt met acrylverf, 2015, 4’40
This audio-visual self-image is struggling with the limited space there is for being different. Although dissociation is a natural survival strategy, a different perception of reality is judged as pathological, sick and unwanted. Even if this dissociation is an overwhelming reaction to an abnormal event. Instead of accepting, it is contested. What would happen if there was complete acceptance for the extraordinary. This power of breaking conventions is perhaps the most essential tool in this time, in this world.