Albert Bayona
is a visual artist and cultural promoter.He has benefited from the grants of the Catalan government “Generalitat de Catalunya”. His works have been presented in Taipei Fine Arts, Art Center La Panera, Museum Abelló, la Caixa Fundation, Museum Jaume Morera, Center Lectura, Espai Guinovart, Museum Patio Herreriano, CentroCentro Cibeles, MACBA auditorium, MEIAC, PetitGaleria, Gallery Sebastià Petit, Gallery 44, Galerie Wedding or Hangar.
Albert has participated in the following festivals: ARCO, Videoformes, New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, Split International Festival of New Film, Festival Signes de Nuit, LOOP Festival, Instantes de Paisaje CDAN, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Hamaca – Museo Reina Sofía 2015, or Madatac 07.
In 1985 Bayona received the second prize of the XXIV International drawing prize, Fundation Joan Miró for his work Variacions per a una estètica racional (1984). Later on in his career, in 2008, his audiovisualMonday to Friday (2008) was the winner of the Vasudha Prize for the best environmental short film at the International Film Festival of India-Goa.
Behind the Gaz Station, 2016, 3:38
The gas station, next to disappear or transform, as we have known so far, with its associated components, gasoline, as stimulus, the car as an extension of the body and travel, as pleasure flight, along with the scene element the birds over her, causing chaos. All of that, is seasoned with a dose of humor to complement the information..