Roland Wegerer
Roland Wegerer (°1974, Amstetten, Austria) creates media artworks, photos, sculptures and performances. By questioning the concept of movement, Wegerer tries to grasp language. Transformed into art, language becomes an ornament. At that moment, lots of ambiguities and indistinctness’s, which are inherent to the phenomenon, come to the surface.
His media artworks focus on the inability of communication which is used to visualize reality. The attempt of dialogue, the dissonance between form and content and the dysfunctions of language will be concentrated. In short, the lacks of clear references are key elements in the work. By investigating language on a meta-level, he plays with the idea of the mortality of an artwork confronted with the power of a transitory appearance, which is, by being restricted in time, much more intense.
Roland isolates the movements of humans and/or objects. By doing so, new sequences are created which reveal an inseparable relationship between motion and sound. By applying a wide variety of contemporary strategies, he finds that movement reveals an inherent awkwardness, a humor that echoes our own vulnerabilities. The artist also considers movement as a metaphor for the ever-seeking man who experiences a continuous loss.
Through strict rules he creates pieces which can be perceived as liberating constraints. Romantic values such as ‘inspiration’, ‘genius’ and ‘authenticity’ are thereby neutralized and put into perspective. Roland Wegerer currently lives and works in St. Nikola and Linz (Austria).
Work / video
THIS IS MY VOICE, 2010, 3:37
The video performance “THIS IS MY VOICE” shows a stuttering chorus. Ten choreographically identical speech performances (“This is my voice, my weapon of choice”) are shown simultanously. The irritation caused by the stuttering sound results in a new onomatopoetic sound.